Thank-you for all your input.
I did see a Doctor about Canker Sores......which turned out NOT to be canker sores....."YEEAACCCH!!"
Thank God I DON'T have a Tape Worm......AND after a Diagnosis from a Lab......My Dr. said I certainly did have pin worms and a type of brown worm called lalumberous. (A big one) He gave me a Prescription of (
Tablets 125 mg. ea. of Pyrantel Panoate and 125 mg.ea. be taken as a Single Dose (all at once) A total of 2000mg.
The Pin Worms are gone........Not so lucky with the Big brown worms.....they sure like me.....(especially the Flesh of my cheek.....Nest?)
I'm thinking When (and IF) these Things are Killed off, taking a daily supplement of "Diatomiteous" (food grade) will Hopefully Keep me Worm/Parasite free.
OH!! Almost forgot!! lol I Don't know how I got them....I always use a meat thermometer when cooking lol Anything......NOW more than ever......Fish?....for expensive......My Dr. thinks that I probably was walking barefoot outside and Was in the wrong place at the wrong time......a microscopic egg can and will enter a human host through the skin of the sole 0f the foot.
P.S. I mentioned in my original letter about hoping taking Diatomiteous would work also in my lungs etc. MY MISTAKE! lol I meant AFTER swallowing it and it's Nutrients were in my bloodstream...