I REALLY appreciate your thoughts with this and also hope for the best with you and your route to community building! I am still choosing to study "how to start a non-profit" for my semester.....that begins in just three short days ; ) and knowing me, I will end up firing one up for myself.....to better serve the greater needs of communities. I may not fully understand the pressures and potential stresses of the legalities of a non-profit until I have one going, or am at least in the process of it, but I do believe it is what I should devote my time and energy to. I see SO many more options in terms of getting the funding and material needs met for projects by having a non-profit and though I am not claiming to be a tax or law wizard, I am not a stranger to the great depths of time and energy they can consume to do things "legally". I would really enjoy to keep in touch with you here and there to see where you are in your progress of spreading the seeds of community building and also to network with you and the non-profits you may be working with.
I think it is so important to remain open to learning from those who have taken similar routes and I am working right now to build a large network of people to either work with or have as guides should I have questions or concerns. I also am open to being a contact for anyone who may have questions for me about the route I will take and the lessons I will learn along the way.
Good day to you and again - I really appreciate your reaching out!
Should you want to keep in touch - it is easier for me, or at least I better remember to check and respond to personal e-mails more. should you be interested in keeping in touch, please contact me at
THANK YOU! and have a blessed day!