Les Jones

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since Oct 16, 2013
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Recent posts by Les Jones

Can we see a picture of your dog! :)

Yes, of course! This is my dog Maple. She is a 6 month old puppy, but is actually very calm. My husband and I both work at home mostly so we spend all day with her, and she behaves well.

7 years ago

I'm a photographer who will be moving to Maine at the end of this year or the beginning of next. I have a bunch of jobs up there and need to stay for weeks at a time. I would like to pay to put my camper on someone's land. When staying there it will be me, my husband, and our dog. We would also ideally like to be within 1 hours drive of Portland. I can pay weekly/monthly.

My schedule of staying will be
August 7- 19
August 29- September 16

There may be more dates added in, but after my last date we can take it off the property.
In the past we have wwoofed and we are passionate about sustainablity!

Thank you so much!
7 years ago
Hello beekeepers!

I am looking for large quantities of raw beeswax relatively close to where I live. I am located 15 miles west of Washington DC in Northern Virginia. I would like the beeswax to be from within 200 miles. The closer the better!
I have been looking for awhile and many apiaries are hard to contact, so help here would be wonderful. Thank you!
11 years ago