Ella-J Jade

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since Oct 24, 2013
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Recent posts by Ella-J Jade

Wow, I wasn't expecting such a quick answer! Thank you very much John, this is golden information- i'll have a look at the book, we might have it in our library.
I am hoping to find a suitable polluted area on which I can base my reaserch. I might have to do it under lab conditions if for some reason I am not able to find a suitable area, but hopefully it won't be the case So glad I found this place, it'll be very useful to me.
Also please excuse any errors, english isn't my mother tongue!
11 years ago
Hi all,

I am a Msc student in sustainable agriculture and food security. I very recently found out about Mycoremediation, and find it absolutely fascinating: I would very much like to make it my research paper's (thesis) subject. I don't know much about it yet, as I litterally heard about it a few weeks ago (I only just started my Msc)! I don't know yet exactly what I'll be looking at, but I'll do a review paper, and a research paper. For my research, I'd like to conduct some experiments to back up my thesis. I've already spoke to my lecturer, who thinks it is a fascinating idea, but that I have to know what the timescale would be.

For the experiments, I want to test the effects of the fungus on contaminated soil; however I only have about 13 months to complete my research... Will this be enough time to collect data and study the benefits on the contaminated soil? I've had a look around but haven't found a timescale yet.

If anyone here could help, I would appreciate it very much!
11 years ago