Erik Little

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since Oct 25, 2013
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Recent posts by Erik Little

I got my books and cards.  Thank you Paul!

I am going to donate some to local libraries.

paul wheaton wrote:Erik,

I researched this and it seems the error is 100% mine.   I cannot even figure out how I made the error.  

To make up for my error, I am sending the books now plus adding two decks of the permaculture playing cards.

Thanks Paul!  

Erik Little wrote:

paul wheaton wrote:Many boxes have been sent.  I think most of you are getting tracking numbers ...

Hmm...I haven't seen an email with a tracking number...let me search my email to make sure I didn't miss something.

I checked my email and I didn't miss an email with a tracking number.  When someone has a minute can they check for me?

Thank you and I hope everyone at permies had a great Thanksgiving!

paul wheaton wrote:Many boxes have been sent.  I think most of you are getting tracking numbers ...

Hmm...I haven't seen an email with a tracking number...let me search my email to make sure I didn't miss something.
Ordered!  Thanks again Duke of Permaculture!  I can't wait to hand these out.
Is there a link that will be posted to submit our order for this special offer?

Shanen Givone wrote:I would buy 12. I'd hit the like button if I could find it on here, but, using my phone is not as obvious to find as on my computer. ( I'm lacking the geek gene!) Thanks for being marvelous!

The +1 button is what you want to hit on the post that you are interested in.  Hope this helps.

paul wheaton wrote:

paul wheaton wrote:

Erik Little wrote:Do you happen to have estimates on shipping cost?

I think I see what you are asking.  Give me a moment ....

I added this link to the first post:

Proposed prices with US shipping:


I think brain is a bit fuzzy after a day of looking at data.

Total cost for 12 books is $72 including shipping?  Right

($4.33 per book + $1.67 shipping per book) * 12 books = $72

If you had that in there the first time I probably misread something, sorry...cause me hoomen.
Do you happen to have estimates on shipping cost?
I was able to buy via paypal the ebook...which compliments my actual playing cards
7 years ago