Hermes Envoy

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since Oct 26, 2013
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Recent posts by Hermes Envoy

So I have a goose who is shaking, his neck is bent inwards and he is pecking the ground or his chest area. He doesn't seem to have control of himself. Has anyone ever seen this?
3 years ago
First off, to the mods, I have no idea if this is the best forum for this question, might need to be relocated.

So I am having my friend ship me some tree saplings and sunchoke tubers from the States to Europe. I am not introducing any new species or invasive threats, just varieties I can't find over here. The oaks Im bringing over are hybrids with Holly Oak and English Oak, which are European, so i figure they should be on this side of the pond as well.

Any suggestions on how to go about packaging and shipping trees internationally? If they take long to arrive (sometimes packages take a bit longer to arrive than the speed you paid for), Im hoping they are going in to dormancy soon and won't suffer. Is it foolish to even try?
11 years ago