darren MacFarlane

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since Oct 26, 2013
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Recent posts by darren MacFarlane

Hi all,

Looking for some help with home tanning sheep and goat skins. Looking to make some extra cash from the skins we only have about 6 skins a year and to save myself sending them away to the organic tannery at £50.00 a skin.

what is the process after drying the skins using salt or can you do this another way?

10 years ago
Hi all looking for ideas on a new goat house for kidding next spring as we have lost the nice big shed we rent.

We are in the UK, north Wales we have 12 goats they are currently out on pasture in a shed we were going to lamb in this coming spring, so need to build another shed looking for ideas needs to be movable if possible as planning is a nightmare.

Looking for ideas inaparation.

11 years ago