david tyler

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since Nov 05, 2013
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Recent posts by david tyler

I have known many diabetics in my life, some very severe, I always wondered how the powers that be could allow such a situation to transpire. It is like a daily game of Russian roulette for those inflicted with it. With that said I have recently received my blood work and discovered how out of wack my triglyceride levels are which led me to realize through other avenues that I suffer from candida. I have dove head first into this dark world of bad biotics and weakened blood cells and came out the other side with this theory, Diabetes and candida are on some level related and possibly co-depended on each other. There are just to many common denominators between the two, Pancreas,liver, stress, antibiotics, illness, fructose, insulin and the list goes on and on, My theory is that Diabetes is caused by a candida infection some where in the organ system, possibly the pancreas or even the liver, I am still studying the symbiotic relationship of these organs with the digestive system and the information they share back and forth. I can not offer you advice or give it because I am not a medically trained Doctor but if I was you i would look into things like Agrisept-L , virgin coconut oil, olive oil with lemon juice as well as bone broth and milk thistle. I wish you the best my friend and hope you and others find relief from this condition some day soon.
8 years ago
Do you cover Methane at all and if so how many animals (i.e. goats , cows) would you need (ish) to support a family of five with cooking and heating needs in a northwest climate in a moderately sized cob home?
8 years ago
Thank you Howard for expanding this well needed topic.
8 years ago
Monster score there, I would say Reishi as well. Good Job.
9 years ago
Paul I would like to film the work shop, I have a HD sony H/C and tripod. let me know. Thanks.
10 years ago
Is there a way to tell if the honey is toxic before hand? this seems like such a dangerous prospect like a crap shoot every time you collect your honey.
10 years ago
Hello Christy
Thank you for your time and sharing your knowledge.

I am curious as to the pesticides that they are claiming to be responsible for CCD, are these chemicals that are killing the hives off making it in to the honey supply therefor being consumed by the public?
10 years ago
Thank you very much, what about the medicinal values, I would just think that because some plants that flower have different medicinal properties to them, can the honey be manipulated as well to carry different benafactories to them. I know honey is a natural antibiotic, can this strength be lowered or raised according to the nectar that the bees are collecting?

Thank you.
10 years ago
I was wondering if there was anyway of changing the flavor of the honey by growing certain flowers around the hive or do the sugars just all break down the same and on this point can certain flowers make the honey more medicinal then others?
10 years ago
Just wanted to thank everyone for the experience, Good people , good food, good time, it was a great day.
10 years ago