M Sotherden

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since Nov 10, 2013
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Thank you to all guys/gals!

Not worried about venting the water - really - not enough humidity is actually an issue where I live during the winter months, and we already run a humidifier 24/7... so unless its a LOT of water, that doesn't concern me a bit. I didn't realise that the outgoing temp would be cool enough to use a metal dryer tube/hose/vent... and yes, that will work fine actually because that would be "normal" to have coming out of this structure (or worst case scenario, shoved out the back window wrapped in some insulation so that the window isn't leaking a ton of 20 degree air back into the area I'm trying to heat.

Thank you folks so much!

11 years ago
total newbie here. Is it possible to have a Rocket stove used indoors (think workshop that is used everyday) without exterior venting? Plan to get CO detector, etc, but cannot at this time vent it externally. What are the risks? I camp outdoors for an average of 6-8 wks a year, so minor smoke inhalation etc is nothing new. but would prefer not to poison myself
11 years ago