jordan barton wrote:so having fed animals for a few years. I have often seen animal poop in with the grain i feed. It has mostly been a goat pellet or deer looking pellet.
This was in Organic Chicken Scratch with has barley wheat/corn in it.
So i think it is up to you if you want to eat it......
I think human food is treated differently. Hence the price.
Another thing to consider is the age of the oats. They might be 5 years old. Old stock.
Dale Hodgins wrote:I am currently lying on my portable mattress in an unheated house that I'm working on. There is frost outside. I've had to take off some blankets because I got too hot in my super thick track pants.
It was about two years ago and I was in a similar situation, when I started seriously thinking about moving to the tropics. I talked to my wife in the Philippines a few minutes ago and the temperature is about 82 degrees. They're having a very mild winter.
My grandmother used to shut down her house in Ontario, and stay with relatives in Florida, during the winter, sometimes. She always carpooled with a bunch of other relatives, so her total fuel consumption was very little. And then her fuel consumption was just about nothing during the mild Florida winter.
It would be interesting to learn what my share of the jet fuel is, when I escape winter in this way and then return in the spring. I wonder how that would compare to heating a home throughout the winter.