David Loncle

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since Nov 13, 2013
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Hello all!

I am in the process of rehabilitating the soil in my very small (1/8th acreish) back yard on Staten Island in NY. I mulched pretty heavily in the fall but now I am looking for a good seed mix so I can start CPR.
I want a mix that won't get out of hand and weedy - I would like to avoid red clover for example. And I need something that will be nice to look at - like lupine. (neighbors and all that jazz)
I have some giant Russian sunflowers from last year, which I intend to sow but I'll need more than that of course! I would like a diverse mix -so including deep rooting tubers like Daikon in addition to the standard chemistry amending fellas.

I am adding a couple photo's to give an idea of what I am dealing with. One is taken from my neighbors yard- my yard begins where the potted plants are.

So any advice for where I can find any affordable seed mixes for my situation would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks!
11 years ago
This shorta-daily-ish email inspired a registration outa me!
skol to things that burn
11 years ago