Chuck Hazzard

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since Nov 20, 2013
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Recent posts by Chuck Hazzard

I have a contact with one of the mfg in Canada so will ask about making round sticks. I otherwise have lots of blow downs in the woods behind my house, so free energy other than the work out to cut it up, carry, and stack.
11 years ago
Hello Al,

These bricks have very low water content it any, but the expansion would likely be a problem as you pointed out. I have a good source for these products at a low price, but.......

Thanks for your input.

11 years ago
Has anyone tried burning hardwood bricks in their RMH? I would think these would work well due to their uniform shape and slow burn time.
11 years ago

Cindy Mathieu wrote:Chuck,
As it is, the castle build is a masonry heater "on the cheap". It doesn't store as much heat as a masonry heater, but it costs a tenth as much. For southern Maine, you could improve the heat storage by lining the inside of the bell with fireclay bricks. This would add to the cost, the weight, and the amount of time it took to build it, but I think you would get great returns for the initial investment.

Hello Cindy:

By lining the inside of the bell with fire bricks, do you mean placing these inside the flue liners or outside the flue liners before attaching the final finished masonry (bricks in our case)?

Thank you,


11 years ago
Not sure where you got the thought that I would be hiding the RMH. It would be placed in our main living space where the wood stove currently sits.
11 years ago
Thanks Cindy. I run with them almost every day so they do not drive me nuts.

I have dropped you a note from your site. I would like to pursue further discussions with you directly.

Thank you,

11 years ago
I use the wood stove in the winter, thus the reason for the low oil usage.

I will also focus on replacing the wood stove with a Rocket Mass Heater and save the water for more adventurous types.

Again, I welcome any suggestions on making this a fun and successful project.

11 years ago
Hello Cindy.

Yes, the solar thermal does a good job offloading the oil boiler at least on sunny days.

How long have you been in business and roughly how many systems have you shipped/installed?

Thank you,

11 years ago

I live in a 1,200 sq ft timber frame house in southern, Maine. The home is very open including a sleeping loft. We currently heat with oil (about 200 gal per year), BioBricks (3 pallets per year) and solar thermal (domestic hot water).

I would like to ditch the oil burner, so would need a rocket mass heater which could not only heart he house, but would also dump energy into the 80 gal hot water heater, which the solar thermal dumps into.

I welcome any and all suggestions.

Thank you,


11 years ago