James Wheeler

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since Nov 25, 2013
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Recent posts by James Wheeler

I am coming back to Nova Scotia in March and am more committed than ever to try to go all in and really get something going. Thank you so much for responding! It is very exciting to hear of you others that have been working on your projects. I would love to come check you out! I arrive on March 3rd. Please update me on what is new in the area of Nova Scotia permaculture.

I would love to network and share ideas and labour!
9 years ago
P3 search them! Spreading the knowledge through Quebec to the Maritimes.
10 years ago
Bees, worms, natives, nitrogen fixers, diverse perennial edibles.

Hearty kiwi, sea berries, Hawthorne berry, black alder, black locust. Ameranth, comfry etc...

10 years ago
Thanks for the reply, I am happy people like you are out there. I will post whatever problems come up and I do appreciate everyone reading this. And helping each other.

10 years ago
I am planning on gathering information, over head photography, weather patterns, soil samples and potential access.

I want to become a seed of permaculture in my community. I plan on gathering a diverse mixture of natives, legumes, bee forage and insect attractions.

I really like Maui so I plan on moving back when the growing season is over in Canada.
10 years ago
Forgot to mention I am working on 7 acres of land outside of Oxford and living in Amherst.
10 years ago
I'm coming home from Maui this summer to take the P3 permaculture design course in Antigonish. I fly in around the 15th of May. Are any of you interested in seed sharing and work trade?

I really want to practice building rocket stoves of all kinds, Natural building and pond construction.
10 years ago

Found out that my family held on to a small fraction of my grandfathers land. I am attending the P3 PDC starting this May and then starting the project. I am looking for like minded people to network with. I need to find a good source of plant diversity. I am up to speed on a bunch of the nursery's around but I would like to find a cheaper way to get started.

Seed sharing?
Tree Air layering for work trade.
Aquaponic pond ideas
Food Forrest ideas
Natural buildings Straw bale or maybe recycled tires.

I'm getting this started and I'd love to get some people around the area moving in the right direction!

10 years ago

I want to concentrate on building water catchment, ground cover, wind break, HEAVY MEDICINAL, Fruit trees and relaxation areas. Maybe a natural swimming pond or two. These are things that I have in mind.
11 years ago
The Land owner is skeptical of all of my permaculture suggestions. He is old school. PERFECTLY maintained golf course style lawn, trees all planted in grid formation.

I have showed up with my large A frame level searching and marking out contour lines. I guess my game plan is to re-hydrate the soil using swales on contour. Hopefully hugel swales if I can get a good flow of organic material. I plan to start with one swale fed by my out door shower.

I am looking at perennial peanut and pigeon pea for ground cover and living mulch. I am also going to try all kinds of air layering from local fruit trees!


Also searching for a permaculture design course.
I have an application in with La'akea
11 years ago