Loren Sands-Ramshaw

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since Dec 01, 2013
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Recent posts by Loren Sands-Ramshaw

Mike, I have not yet tried mayo with megadon. Thank you for the recommendation

Paul, the recipe page notes a drawback to a butter mayo, which is the high amount of saturated fat can make the refrigerated consistency like a hard butter.

Jonathan, you can find sunflower mayonnaise in stores. I didn't consider it due to the fatty acid profile.
11 years ago
The idea of mayonnaise is perfectly Paleo. It's just eggs, lemon juice, and oil. But most of the mayo you'll see in stores is made with soybean oil. And the "healthy" alternatives are canola (28% omega-6!) or just mixes of soybean oil and olive oil. I wanted a mayonnaise that only used healthy Paleo oils, and I'm hoping to start a food company to make it.

- Macadamia, coconut, and olive oil
- Organic ingredients
- Free-range eggs
- Unsweetened
- Lemon juice, not vinegar

I'd love any feedback you may have. There's more information on the Kickstarter page. Please take a moment to donate or pre-order a jar!


Current version of the label, 2.5 x 8.75".

Testing the taste of Payo versus a few current options. Yes, that means I've been ingesting soybean oil and preservatives and factory-farmed eggs.
11 years ago