allen lumley wrote:Mark Crain :Welcome to Permies.Com and to our sister site, and a Big welcome to our Rocket Stove And Wood Stove Forum/Threads, with `21,000
fellow members world wide, you should be able to come here 24 / 7 and talk to some one who wants to talk about what you want to talk about !
I have to believe that you did your purchasing of 6'' system plans and DVD off of the web and did not talk to anyone about the skill sets you are bringing to the job ! Please
understand that while quite low tech, the ratios of all the parts, but most especially the Feed Tube, Burn Tunnel and Heat Riser are very closely related ! Also the Cross Sec-
-tional areas were determined when you picked the 6'' system ! (which should work just fine for you !)
To allow you to catch-up with the other new members and allow you to better understand the answers you are going to get please go to to download
your PDF Copy $15. of' Rocket Mass Heaters', With over 100,000 Rocket Mass Heaters RMHs Built world wide, most were made following 'The Book', and 95% of all the
First Builds (that Worked) were built following "the Book''! I will also guarantee that the RMH Book will prove to also be a time and money saver ! (and I don't make a Dime !)
15,000 BTUs for your cabin is about right, but is small if you have to heat the crawl space too ! where does your air supply come from ?!
By this time you are aware that the RMH will be heavy and that you will need to protect your exposures from too much heat ! Building directly on the ground in your crawl space
will greatly reduce both of those problems, but require you to insulate under your RMH to keep you from turning the entire ground under your crawl space into Thermal Mass
Heat Storage !
Heating the crawl space in order to heat your cabin is kind like heating an attached garage, to heat your home ! Also going outside to feed the Fire will get old really fast ! I
suggest you put you plans for any specific type of Rocket stove on hold until you see your DVD, it will help you find a way to incorporate your Rocket into the heart of your home
where tending it is a joyful undertaking and not a drudges task to be avoided or skipped !
Everything else is semi negotiable except tile which will not take the heat or Thermal shock! and Concrete which brings with it its own set of problems and may be a more difficult
way to go depending on your site ! Cob can be reworked, Concrete especially in your crawl space will require a jack hammer if you ever need a change ! Big AL!