So Im trying to whip this conifer forest into shape. So facing hillside, moderate slope, sandy rocky soil likely from years of erosion. Started a series of hugelkulture swales in my zone 2 area above and around my home. building 3 ft walls w rotten old dead trees, branches and such. Aware of acidity issues im only using stuff that looks to have been dead for a couple years or more. Then digging down about 1.5-2 ft in front. All dirt rocks and area pine duff going in the swale. Want to plant apples and peaches,native wild rasp and blackberries, plenty of legumes for eats and soil, a few fungal strains, then plan my garden around that. we get a lot of sun which is why i went little big on my main swales, but only about a foot and a half high for mini-support swales above main ones. im starting on a hillside of about 5 acres. then moving forward around my home in hopes of raising my water table which is somewhere around 5-600ft down through rock. I dont want to spend 15000 on a well, i would rather wait a season or so if this can help. We have a snowmelt 'creek' that runs through most of our 36 ac plot. Im trying to swale that moisture back and towards a couple pond areas i hope to build the same way but with the help of a tamper and an added drain. Looking for advice on soil building in conifer areas, partner plants, swale and pond design, and if anyone has experience raising a water table or if im just dreaming. 28 yo noob working only hand tools, but very motivated. pics of site in a week or so, its a bit snowy here. much love from co, dem time is up soon.