Danny O'Blivion

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since Dec 04, 2013
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Recent posts by Danny O'Blivion

Something i have been thinking about and would like some input- some of the mountains nearby have very, very dense wild raspberries and black raspberries growing wild in an area burnt down due to forest fires about 7 years ago. I've been wanting to hike back in there and get some babies for my hillside. I have had success transplanting many different kinds of plants as well as making clones. Any tips? I know its best to do in winter, which leaves me about a month to make the slushy hike(s). They will be going onto the swale area and property borders. One cool thing about denver is, if youre thrifty, you can get TONS literally of high quality potting soil used once by these huge mmj growers around town for free. Secret weapon on getting those swales going, i have enough to mix in at about 30-40% and should make for a nice home for things to start this year until things start breaking down.
11 years ago
i do have a lot of rotten wood piles, you thinking cover everything up with whatever dead crap i can get? there are wildflowers and other plants making it around there to consider, but thats a very good idea. ill try to get that started when i head back out
11 years ago
Here are a couple of photos of the first couple of days progress. I had my main bramble pile buried but decided to raise it up a bit. Planning about 10-12 on that hillside draining into each other to keep pressure down. I know its a bit steep but i hope drainage and numbers make up for it. Excited to get back out next week!
11 years ago
Have you considered a walipini? I experimented with a mini version last year in denver with some degree of success. i used plastic and a half wood frame half hoop house design. I dug into the clay, about 3ft down and built it 5 high on the n side and 3.5 on the s. covered in sheet plastic, nailed plastic to clay, cobbed the seal. Stayed warm enough to sprout seeds and start my plants. downside i experienced, aside from the crampish space, was moisture. if i was around every day or so to open it up it was ok but ventilation would be nice. It seemed to stay warm enough down there all winter last year though i would burn a candle or so in there on nights below 0. So this year im trying to go about three times deeper, use reclaimed windows, baby rocket stove, and figure out a way to vent it better, the windows will help. Maybe a small fluorescent or a t5 fixture to stretch the day? leds that are worth a damn seem to be outrageously priced still, a couple companies are getting there but not close enough for me. http://www.advancedledlights.com almost got 450 of my dog hairs before i wised up and bought a t5 instead for 175

11 years ago
So Im trying to whip this conifer forest into shape. So facing hillside, moderate slope, sandy rocky soil likely from years of erosion. Started a series of hugelkulture swales in my zone 2 area above and around my home. building 3 ft walls w rotten old dead trees, branches and such. Aware of acidity issues im only using stuff that looks to have been dead for a couple years or more. Then digging down about 1.5-2 ft in front. All dirt rocks and area pine duff going in the swale. Want to plant apples and peaches,native wild rasp and blackberries, plenty of legumes for eats and soil, a few fungal strains, then plan my garden around that. we get a lot of sun which is why i went little big on my main swales, but only about a foot and a half high for mini-support swales above main ones. im starting on a hillside of about 5 acres. then moving forward around my home in hopes of raising my water table which is somewhere around 5-600ft down through rock. I dont want to spend 15000 on a well, i would rather wait a season or so if this can help. We have a snowmelt 'creek' that runs through most of our 36 ac plot. Im trying to swale that moisture back and towards a couple pond areas i hope to build the same way but with the help of a tamper and an added drain. Looking for advice on soil building in conifer areas, partner plants, swale and pond design, and if anyone has experience raising a water table or if im just dreaming. 28 yo noob working only hand tools, but very motivated. pics of site in a week or so, its a bit snowy here. much love from co, dem time is up soon.
11 years ago