Jared McKee

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since Dec 17, 2013
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Recent posts by Jared McKee

Hi Grant,
Just registered at your website. I love all the great ideas and projects you have created. I grew up on a small farm with all the big diesel sucking machines. I love to see how you are doing a lot of the same things using a MUCH smaller footprint. I can't wait to research your site further and see what I can work on at home.
10 years ago
Central Indiana in Plainfield. Just found out today of the permaculture conference next weekend in Plainfield wish I had known about it earlier. Just started working on a rocket heater and I am starting to find an interest in the permaculture area as I would like to start growing some of our own food. Would love to meet up with local people interested in the same things.

Jared McKee
11 years ago
What is the thickness of the bottom of the cast? From the pictures I am assuming the board was attached to the cast to hold it away from the bottom same thickness all the way around?
11 years ago