Jeff Ballantyne

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since Dec 27, 2013
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Recent posts by Jeff Ballantyne

Im living in a cottage with 2 hot water tanks, because the house used to have 2 hydro meters, and was split in
I have a hot water tank, a small recirc pump on the hot outlet, all pex.. then that is pumping into an AC rad which you can see in the video, and a commercial fan blowing behind it.
that simple lol
and its doing very well considering the house doesnt have much insulation! Its extremely DIY, and I made the video in its temperary state, but Im thinking of ways to turn it into a more permanent situation.

I shut off the fan every 2 hours or so and let the water heat up again. I would love to have it automated, but Id need something that would turn ON the fan when the water is hot.. most thermostats turn on when its cold.. so

When it gets cool, i shut it off for a bit and turn it back on!
11 years ago
Hey everyone

heres my newest invention! I was scared doing this, because I researched and researched and couldnt find anyone who has done the same..
So.. Heres what I have now!
Ill be doing some investigation on how much its costing me, but.. the main thing is, its working!

So check out here, my video on my setup!
How Im heating with an electric hot water tank

Thanks so much for watching!
I hope this encourages anyone else on a tight budget to try this method!
11 years ago
Hey everyone,

So heres my rocket stove. its been in the works for a while now, tweaking and tweaking... heres a video describing it and some temperatures!

one of my main questions is, if I used landscaping brick, other than fire brick, what things might I experience as far as burning and efficiency and stuff?

Please check out my video though and leave some feedback!
My rocket stove design

Heres the temps
Rocket stove temperatures
11 years ago