Andy Savage

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since Dec 28, 2013
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Recent posts by Andy Savage

I only have a balcony, but can fit quite a lot of raspberries on it. That's good enough for me.
2 months ago
Hi I think you'll find this stimulating.

While the surrounding area suffers crop losses from drought, Badilisha is thriving and inspiring the local community.

This is the pilot project for a completely new way to do sponsorship -directly and simply. We can all be part of projects like this now that we have the internet. More info in signature below!
All the best,
8 years ago

Allan Laal wrote:what year was it filmed? I know of atleast 2 HS432 lecture series and I'm wondering if this is the third

I can't find a date for it, but there are 38 videos, all well over an hour each, so maybe it's the whole thing?

10 years ago
Hi I thought some of you might be interested in this, it's called "introduction to permaculture", 38 video lectures over an hour each, free on iTunesU. Don't know how good it is yet, still downloading.

PS if the link doesn't open itunes, go to file> subscribe to podcast and paste the link there. If you don't use iTunes, there's a player on their website too:
10 years ago