Mike Simpson

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since Jan 03, 2014
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I always wear chaps or protective pants when juggling chainsaws, but I thought it was interesting to read that they DO NOT work well at stopping most electric chainsaws due to their high torque: http://www.stihlusa.com/products/protective-and-work-wear/chain-saw-protective-apparel/wrapchap/. Another reason to take it slow and carry Quick Clot pads just in case.
10 years ago
Thanks to everyone who offered advice. We'll have to do some experimenting out here this spring. The trick is to get it to scale up.
11 years ago
I work at a large horse farm that has more that 200 miles of 4-rail wooden fence. The maintenance crew used to weed whack the grass under the fence, but have switched to spraying glyphosate. They buy it by the drum! Unfortunately, appearance is an issue so just letting everything grow up over the fences is not an option. Any suggestions?
11 years ago