Shannon Lee

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since Jan 06, 2014
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Thanks for your response Ben. Yea Lee that was on my mind as well. Somehow capture enough co2 to enrich the air inside for more vigorous plant growth.
10 years ago
Hi Ben,
I am hoping to get a gasifier project underway soon on our farm in the mtns of NC. I wanted to know what you thought about the possibility of building a gasifier and rocket mass heater together as one unit inside a large greenhouse ? We are planning to build a large greenhouse that will house a multilevel year round aquaponics system and because of our chilly winters a rocket mass heater would be the perfect fit. While thinking about our design I had the idea that maybe we could do both in one build. I would like to know what you think of the idea and if anyone to your knowledge(or anyone else here) has tried this before. Thanks for sharing with us and glad to have your insight.
10 years ago