Ashley Dole

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since Jan 13, 2014
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Recent posts by Ashley Dole

Glad to see other canucks on permies and some sorta close to me (Peterborough).
10 years ago
My city requires that i be on agricultural land if I want to have any animal for food purposes. As for the fish, the hatcheries in my area won't sell fry with out the same sort of classification. I was looking for a winter tolerate "edible" fish. (Trout, channel catfish, etc).

I was mainly going to feed the fish duck weed.

I've got 2 homes left over greens, to feed my quail just need to get them

11 years ago
Hello permies,

I've got 1007 sq/ft at my disposal, i wanted to start an aquaculture but got a slap in the face when i tried to get fry (permits are nessecary) same thing occurred when i researched chickens and goats.

Ive decided to go with quail, a vertical garden in a reclaim window green house, a make shift pond with a rock garden for frogs and snakes.

Im looking for fellow Ontario permies that might have fry, perhaps some transplants (raspberry,strawberry, blackberry, etc)

Im excited to start my garden in the spring and trying out my new found knowledge mostly from youtube and this awesome forum.

11 years ago