Paul Porter

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since Jan 17, 2014
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Only one. Google apps hosted email.
I'm not sure what next week looks like. Six months is a stretch . June 11-12 would be better for us. Thanks for setting this up.
8 years ago
Thank you Marie! Had a great time.
9 years ago

Sounds like fun. We'll be there.

9 years ago
Thanks to you both for your input. R Scott nailed it. Nothing against MO, if fact many things would be easier there, but proximity to work and family in Olathe are two factors. Schools are another. There's also favorable tax laws for self-employment in KS (at the moment). I did find a 'how far can I drive' web app here which gave me some MO locations to consider. Thanks again. Close on my city house in a month...
10 years ago
Anyone have thoughts on which NE Kansas county authority is easier to work with (building permits, etc.)? I will be buying land in the area in the coming months and am curious if others have had experiences good or bad. Judging strictly from how their respective web sites read, Leavenworth Co. seems to be the easiest with their lack of building codes. I'm looking at the KS counties surrounding KC (Leavenworth, Jefferson, Douglas, Franklin, Miami). I currently live in KC MO.

10 years ago