Dale Nicholson

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since Jan 20, 2014
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Recent posts by Dale Nicholson

Them and oats for my porridge!
11 years ago
Thanks David

All of the details can be found on the web site, so I didn't want to repeat them too much here - especially as the more traffic to it the better!


But here's some info to encourage everybody...

Its a 6 acre Croft in North West Scotland, on a remote peninsula called Scoraig. There are about 80 other people there, doing the same thing, but its not like a commune, just like-minded people 'crofting'. There's no road into it, so its either a 3 mile walk or a 1 mile boat trip across the loch.

The croft itself is all off-grid for power and water. But there's already Solar Panels, Wind Turbine and Water Turbine installed; with a beautifully clear stream for water. It has a loch shore (sea loch with dolphins, whales and basking sharks etc.), with the boat access, broadleaf woodland (with yurt), meadows, conifer copse and various out buildings and land. There's a map of both the area and the croft layout, on the web site.

Hope this helps give an idea of it and I'd love to hear from others who have done similar, are planning to do similar, or like the idea of it all.

11 years ago
Hey Guys

Enjoying the site and forum very much, and I'm glad I can now 'officially' join the 'club'.

I'm embarking on a complete life change, giving up a 25 year career and moving 500 miles from everything I know. All to try and live a more sustainable, less impactful, simpler and more fulfilling life. All the details and the story of the adventure can be found at www.offgrid-online.co.uk.

It would be great to receive any help, advice, encouragement and support from you all. I'm sure, once I'm in the full throws of it all, I'll be posting questions pleading for advice on all sorts of things, ranging from growing vegetables, through livestock (chickens and goats at first I think), to making cider (a very important part of the adventure!).

But, until then, I hope you enjoy reading all about the plans, preparations and place, on my blog.

11 years ago