Jacob McGee

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since Jan 30, 2014
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Amanda Ryan wrote:I have purchased my yurt & am working on preparing the land near Springfield to put it up. I'm happy to be here & hopefully meet some like-minded new folks!

Wondering, did this project get completed? I'm in west plains and I am looking at yurts as a possibility for our intentional community.
6 years ago
I have gutters that keep the rain coming off the roof and splashing the bales, I thought I might cob the exterior and interior of the bales.
11 years ago
I have a 13 by 25 ft carport with a concrete foundation that I would like to enclose with straw bale, but I am unsure how to secure bales to the foundation while keeping bales dry. Will the bales be fine sitting directly on concrete with rebar driven through into concrete, or could I use concrete blocks to elevate bales off the ground, and still drive the rebar through? The walls will be adequately covered by the roof, so the only spot I am worried about is on the ground. I live in MO where we get 47 inches of rain per year, and the house sits in a semi low spot.
11 years ago