Thomas mcGrath

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since Jan 31, 2014
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Recent posts by Thomas mcGrath

High Permies!

I am currently writing a business plan for an organic market garden. I am currently writing up an industry analysis using the Five forces Framework.
One of the directives of this is determining supplier power within your industry.
To do this I must consider what kind of suppliers I will be relying on to do business....
Can anyone help me determine a few suppliers I have not yet thought of as besides seeds and possibly (but hopefully not) mulch, I cannot think of to many inputs I wouldnt rather source from within my own operation beside initial infrastructural materials.

10 years ago
Hey Permies!
I am currently looking for viable options to make money off some land in the alpine regions of the South Island of New Zealand. I want to know if anyone has any experience or knows of growing fruit trees in tunnel houses for the purpose of growing varieties which do not usually grow so well in that climate zone.

I ask this because I once rented a property in the far south (cold and temperate, not a lot of sun and loads of rain) which had a tunnel house in which grew feijoas, figs and some dwarf citrus'. These were unheard of in that area and did very well under cover.

Now I am in a hot and dry alpine region and am toying with the idea of doing something similar but on a larger scale and would love to know if this is very common in Permaculture and organics as the only operations I have found are very Sterile, monocultural set ups which do not appeal to me one bit.

Any info or resources would be much appreciated
10 years ago