Just thought I'd share about this amazing plant that I call the "mother beet."
She was transplanted last April or May from a seedling, struggled through the summer until we added shade cloth (many days over 95 degrees F) but then slowly started growing and producing beautiful big leaves.
Since we do not care for Swiss chard and beets are in the same family, I began picking the leaves every few days, using them fresh chopped and sauteed. However, there were so many I ended up blending a bunch of them with water and freezing the mixture in ice cube trays. On days when I was short on time, I would pop a frozen cube or three into soups or stews at the last minute - no cooking time needed, just thawing, so good preservation of nutrients.
This harvesting of leaves continued all the way through January, with mama beet expanding her girth all the while.
Then temperatures dropped, often down to 25 degrees F, and it snowed a few feet and mama beet was buried. The leaves didn't look so great once the snow melted, but a month later, they're coming back to life. Just measured her and her diameter is 7" - I plan to keep harvesting leaves until she tells me she is done, and then we'll see whether the root is still edible and how much she weighs... stay tuned!