Good Day fellow-forum-foragers! My name is John and I was bit by the "green" bug a couple years ago. My fiancee and I recently purchased 4.55 acres of reclaimed mine land in west-central pennsylvania, namely the Clearfield area. We fell in love with Ianato Evans, linda smiley and michael smiths "hand sculpted house" and are determined to turn this property into 1 acre of farm land, the rest pasture for some sheep and livestock (nothing too big) with a large cob wall surrounding a garden courtyard where additional sleeping huts can be built later on, coupled with the main dwelling.
I am determined to build at least one small dwelling by the end of the summer, which judging by how the weather has been lately might be august or november. If anyone knows of any sources of free, donated or recycled usable materials for the building and grounds (coarse sand, large sized stones, unwanted timber, old barnwood, windows, sliding glass doors etc.) please feel free to contact me with information or post in this thread.
Also, if there are people who would be interested in aiding in the construction to get some experience with this technique please don't hesitate to express interest! I figured i can do this on my own if i plan it out accordingly and kept it small and simple, but any help would be greatly appreciated and would make for a more pleasant experience.
Thanks for reading folks! if you want more details on what is planned, let me know...i don't want to be too lengthy.