Justin Claassen

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since Feb 14, 2014
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Hey all. Thanks for the welcome and good info!

Here is what I have. We are in zone 8 pacific nw. I am looking at heating about 1200 sq ft. The main rooms are important. If it does not make it to the back bedrooms, no worries.

I will get an engineer out to determine if we can take the load once I know what I am talking about for weight. Also, I am not worried about code/permit at this time.

I guess I am also concerned about building this on wood. Would it get to hot? Or is the main concern the load? Do you have to insulate between the floor and the rmh?

I want to build it along the wall with the wood stove somewhere. The stove in the photo is shot, doesn't put off heat and I should not be burning in it. I need a better option before next winter.

Thanks for all the info!
10 years ago
Howdy all!
I live in a two story house. The bottom floor is a daylight basement. The floor to the second story is oak wood floor over OSB and 2x6 beams at 16" spacing.
My question is, can a rocket mass heater work on a second story safely or does it have to be built on slab foundation?
10 years ago
Before you go threw too much trouble. Check to make sure that the tire is just not off center on the rim. Sometimes the bead does not fully pop out and makes the wheel look out of true. The fix is easy pump up tire nice and full and spin the wheel. Look down the line and see if the tire jumps up and down.
10 years ago