Ryan Molpus

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since Feb 16, 2014
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Recent posts by Ryan Molpus

Here is another set of pics that gives an overview of the design I'm working to complete. I will be filling will wood chips to clean the appearance (due to HOA). This particular bed is about 35'. Swale is currently about 15" x 15".

A large amount of water flows from my roof, into an underground drain, dumping into the swale.

We just had some good rain in DFW and thought it would be worth sharing so other getting started can have something to consider.

10 years ago
Looks magical, Peat!

Jennifer, an HOA (Home Owners Association) is a party that represents a community or neighborhood. It's put into place to ensure all Home Owners are following a set of laws to ensure that the neighborhood is being cared for a certain way. This can be good and bad. They restrict certain things, but obviously protect home owners too. For example, I can't have "farm animals" of any type and required to make sure my yard doesn't look like a bomb exploded. So far, so good, but there are always people that have nothing to do in life but to scrutinize every move someone makes.

I tired to incorporate many other things that I can't buy locally. I have my "bread and butter" there too (front, side, and backyard), but I wanted to do something different. Frankly, I have never put a Honeyberry or Seaberry in my mouth, but that didn't stop me from trying. I just looked for some of the most random fruits that would grow here, had great reviews, and little shelf life.

I have a lot of other starts that are about to get added too. I'll upload a few pics once things progress and you can actually SEE something. LOL

Best wishes!

10 years ago
Here is the start of my project. I just built the front beds and starting a large swale on the back side that will allow multiple areas of draining water to be captured. It's a little boring at the moment, but will take pics as things progress.

I live in an HOA, so planning to push the envelope a bit so I can start some form of change. I have a ton of starts (edibles and companions) that will be added over the next few weeks.

10 years ago