Looks magical, Peat!
Jennifer, an HOA (Home Owners Association) is a party that represents a community or neighborhood. It's put into place to ensure all Home Owners are following a set of laws to ensure that the neighborhood is being cared for a certain way. This can be good and bad. They restrict certain things, but obviously protect home owners too. For example, I can't have "farm animals" of any type and required to make sure my yard doesn't look like a bomb exploded. So far, so good, but there are always people that have nothing to do in life but to scrutinize every move someone makes.
I tired to incorporate many other things that I can't buy locally. I have my "bread and butter" there too (front, side, and backyard), but I wanted to do something different. Frankly, I have never put a Honeyberry or Seaberry in my mouth, but that didn't stop me from trying. I just looked for some of the most random fruits that would grow here, had great reviews, and little shelf life.
I have a lot of other starts that are about to get added too. I'll upload a few pics once things progress and you can actually SEE something. LOL
Best wishes!