Michelle Decary

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since Feb 17, 2014
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We are starting a food forest in Dunham Quebec, and I am having a hard time finding these plants:
-Chinese Yams
-Hog Peanut
-Turkish Rocket
-Sea Kale

Basically, everything Jonathan Bates from Food Forest Farms sells. It is too complicated to import plants from the US, so if anyone has any leads about a Canadian source, please share!

10 years ago
Hello All,

We have a farm in Dunham Quebec, and we are organizing an Edible Forest Garden workshop with Eric Toensmeier in May. For more info:


Two days ago we launched our Kickstarter project in which people adopt a tree in the food forest, and we have 28 days to raise 4000$. Monoculture to polyculture: Transforming an abandoned X-mas tree plantation into a biologically diverse, holistically designed, organic, permaculture system.

We accept any amount pledged. Backers will have certain privileges in the food forest harvest: berries, fruits, nuts, perennial vegetables, and medicinal plants. Invest in carbon-sequestering agriculture that feeds the community and supports a diversified ecosystem.


Hope to see you in May,

Michelle Decary
Au petit boise farm

10 years ago