Shane Peabody

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since Feb 21, 2014
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Recent posts by Shane Peabody

so what have you decided to use for your perennial gene pool , western front any thing else.
I am working in a project much like yours perhaps we can collaborate in some way.
I have the assistance of two small farms in Massachusetts zone five . One of the farms has been selecting biennial kales for hardiness for a few years now and now we would like to bring in some perennial genes grow the progeny and see what we get. I also have the assistance of another farm that specializes in seedling production and they have offered to grow out the perennial stock. I am excited about a great opportunity to trial perhaps thousands of offspring.
I need perennial brassica seed I am getting 'western front' but I want more diversity. Any help finding perennial brassica seed would hugely be appreciated
Thanks Sal
9 years ago