Pat Robinsson

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since Feb 23, 2014
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I'm expressly interested in lime plaster as the book says it's durable and breathes well.

I found this protocol online for straw bale:

If you nix the "straw bale" and "clay slip" layers in favor of just starting with the roughed surface of your cob, would this be suitable for exteriors?

What about interiors?
11 years ago
Hello all.

I am in the process of learning to build things with cob. I've read Hand Sculpted House cover to cover and I have successfully made several bricks that were almost impossible to break and I feel confident in my ability to make the basic material.

My next goal is to make a cob oven and then attend a Cob Cottage Company workshop prior to building a house for myself and my spouse in the next few years.

However, even after reading HSH I am extremely uncertain about plasters to use on cob. I understand that under no circumstances should concrete or water impermeable plasters be used as they form a condensation barrier that can soak and ultimately destroy your home, but the plasters section did not provide me with any clear answers on a basic plaster recipe to play with.

Can someone point me in the right direction on plasters? In the meantime I will reread the plasters chapter to see if it isn't clearer this time around.
11 years ago