Becky Thatcher

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since Mar 09, 2014
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Recent posts by Becky Thatcher

Where did my last order go?
2 months ago
Oh please yes, let's celebrate the joy when we put on a special piece and conjure up all the good memories associated with them, and how they lift our spirit. Of course, never endanger yourself, but please not loose the good feelings they bring us.
9 months ago
thank you!
2 years ago
Bravo on what you have done in Detroit!
Perhaps you might consider building one more community in a rural area- Benzie and Leelanau counties need an example to follow. A small village version of your personal vision would be quite an accomplishment and transformative.
Check out Grow Benzie?
3 years ago
Try reading Science and Health, with key to the scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, or call a Christian Science Practitioner. You may be able to go to the Christian Science web site and look up healings of concussion . I have read of this.
3 years ago
Hi Eric, thank you for the encouragement on the mushrooms, I will read the threads next. Is it a good time to put spawn in still?
4 years ago
Thank you Skandi, I appreciate you thoughts. It did just seem to be magically disappearing, as there was a slight slant to the bed, 12 by about 15 feet, and I never saw it collect there. I don’t know how many gallons my sprinkler puts out,  put Is pretty vigorous. I ran it during the day, 6-8 hours for 3 days, did. Leaf mulch, wet that too, is looking better, but still seems dry about 4 inches down. I scattered a bit of compost , and am brewing some compost tea to apply next.
4 years ago
Thank you Eric, would like to hear more, especially how to get spawn into soil. I have introduced wine cap nearby , though it grows when and where it feels like it, oysters about 100 feet north, didn't do much, though birch totems produced a couple of years. I am about 300 yards from Lake Michigan, so sandy. started with raised beds and have gradually been working on the rest. most of the mulch on this particular area was shredded hardwood on cardboard with portable chickens rotating in between, so the wood particles are pretty fine now.Do you think I should forget trying to do a fall planting here? I did a leaf mulch over half of it the other day, had some rain, so will look tomorrow  to see what the state is.
 I met some one who suggested a couple drops of Lemon Joy in a watering can, and sprinkling the surface. They had a greenhouse business, and had used it this way, and for repelling bad bugs.
 It would be great to learn how to be more effective with spawn, and breaking down my manure better. I have three ponies, collect the manure, and compost with EM and leaves and hay. interested in compost teas and Korean natural farming.
4 years ago
In northwestern Michigan
4 years ago