Oh I know this pain. My sympathies.
The most awesome way I have found to treat this kind of pain or any of my injuries or swelling etc. is with earthing or grounding. As we speak I have a patch stuck to my knee. I injured it recently tromping through a deluge of rain in heavy boots where I failed to keep my footing on the mud and rocks.
https://www.earthing.com/active-recovery/patches.html?___SID=U The earthing patches are the most inexpensive way to go I think. You can use them over and over. When they don't stick anymore just tape them on. I have a sheet too so I wrap my recently injured part in that also.
Last year I had a log roll out of my wood stove and as I jumped out of the way I leaned a hand heavily on the 400 degree door. Smelling singed flesh I continued to the freezer to grab a round can of frozen juice. About 20 minutes later I opened my hand and could see huge blisters on red flesh. I then took an earthing sheet, plugged it into the ground of my electrical out let, and wrapped it around my hand and the still cold juice can. Ten minute later I unwrapped my hand and the blisters were gone!! Since I could feel them coming back without contact with the grounding sheet I wrapped it up again. I did that few more times then stuck the juice back in the freezer and cut a bit of aloe for good measure and slathered it on my hand and put the sheet back on my bed. So within an hour except for a slight tenderness it was as though it never happened. Pretty amazing! Who'd a thought, connect with mother earth and she will literally heal me.
Of course you could do like a guy in Alaska and scrape the snow and ice off the ground and lie directly on the earth. That's free. The patches are more comfortable I think.
There is also a lovely homeopathic ointment called Inflamyar by BioResource Inc. Cotati, CA, that works nicely and even better with earthing.