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Jimmy Smith

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since Mar 15, 2014
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Recent posts by Jimmy Smith

Finally putting more barn up.  Here's the latest on the building:

Finally putting up a bent, the camera was rolling.  

7 years ago
Sorry about the slow updates but here are some more on the barn.  Was in the woods this past weekend harvesting timbers for the barn.

7 years ago
It's been awhile since I updated this thread so here is what's been going on with the barn.  This past weekend I was playing logger harvesting timbers for the barn.  There are also some layout discussions I will post that were requested by some folks on YouTube.

So the firewood is running low, winter came back to the northeast and I like my shop to be warm.  So I've been kicking around the idea of building a waste oil heater for a few years and decided to run with it.  With all the waste oil I keep in barrels from the farm around here I have plenty of fuel.  So I built this thing and couldn't be happier with it.  I ran it for 14 hours strait Saturday and used 4 gallons of waste oil.  My uninsulated shop, sitting in a windy hayfield, stayed in the 70's all day once it came up to temp.

7 years ago
Great stuff, thank you for sharing!
7 years ago
Well I've been talking about building my barn, so I'll show you what I'm working with to get this thing going. I'm very lucky to have a good chunk of land that's PAID for and separated from the lot my house sits on.  If it ever came down to it I could sell the house and build again with this idea of self reliance figured into the equation.

7 years ago
Don't mind me griping at the wheelers, they like to tear up my fields.  Nothing like hitting ruts in the summer on a little tractor taking hay!

7 years ago