Thanks for the feedback those who have given it a test run...
This is the first announcement of V2 of!
I have now completely rebuilt the website - it is now much more scalable to handle 100s of thousands of listings and has a few more features than V1, there is also the beginnings of a blog of some of my musings that will grow over time.
Have a permaculture site or education facility you'd like to list? Checkout the permaculture listings on and then sign up to post your own listing for free.
Want to post some guest blog articles (with links back to your website)? want to get involved in making listings for eco-friendly services or businesses in your area? get in touch.
I hope this can grow into a useful resource for promoting earth friendly businesses, services, travel, education facilities, permaculture sites and anything really where people are making an effort!
Have any suggestions? found any problems? please let me know here or in a purple moosage
Yours in permaculture & homesteading
ps...yes I know mobile view is not working well, its next on the to-do list! please just check it out on a computer for now ;)