Well Tom,
If you want to sing out, sing out.
And if you want to be free, be free.
'cause there's a million things to be,
You know that there are.
I hope that you recognize this song, it is from a fantastic movie.
The truth is Tom, there is already a beginning. Let me catch you up to here. I have been planning on living off-grid in a cabin, in the woods, for as long as I can possibly remember. In the past 10 years, I became serious, looking for remote land, researching off grid systems from the super simple (my favorite) to the super complex, learning about permaculture and whole systems design, but most of all, learning that this experience would be much more fun and much more sustainable long term if I can work together with friends to meet this goal. 2 Years ago, I found this piece of property in Central Maine, and like most first time land buyers with our mentality, I was ecstatic just to be on this undeveloped piece of land, be able to reach down pick up a handful of dirt, and have the realization of what that meant. Last year, I moved everything I had, for the most part, in an enclosed trailer up to the land with the intentions of building a cabin. This turned into an experience of a lifetime, where I met some people who now have become the closest people in my lives. These people also share the same vision. One of them is a little more extreme, owns 47 acres 200 yards down the road, and is in the process to trying to build a stacked log and earth hut, with only hand tools, and his spare time. He has been living there full time (warm season) in a tent. Another person, my very best friend, also owns 47 acres, about 400 yards as the crow flies from my place. He has a log cabin with off grid utilities, and has started a farm, with permaculture and whole systems design being the main focus. My place is directly in the middle of these pieces of property. We all share the same vision of an eco-village/permaculture/whole systems design type of lifestyle.
We are hoping that my place can be the starting point as far as housing goes, where everyone can have their own place, and share the community buildings. The farm, can be a community work farm, where we can all work together to grow food, raise animals, and set an example for sustainable living. My place, with the community building up front and in the center, would be the gathering area, entertainment area, parking area, meeting area, cooking area, and dining area. The individual living cabins would fan out, like branches on a tree, to the back edges of the property, where you eventually run into the stream (3000 ft) and 5 wilderness, seasonal ponds. As far as living quarters, this can be up to the people living in them. I would like to keep the cabins small 10x12ish up to 10x20 MAX, and on skids, so that they can be moved around, or taken with the person should they wish to leave. Now if people want to live 1,2,3 or more to a cabin, that is their choice. However, 1-2 people to a cabin with at least an acre of woods per cabin, would provide enough privacy for each person, as well as room for adventure. The entire property will be usable by all, to do what they like as far as hiking, meditation, jogging, writing, or anything else. The community buildings and areas will be there so that we can have a close bond as a community, doing community things. If people want to shack up together for the winters, that is also an option, and would use less resources. I like the idea of a communal cooking and dining area because I feel that meals together are a great bond creator.
The whole eco-village will be based primarily around growing food and living light on the earth. However, that doesn't mean you can't have your own life. I understand people will have jobs, lives, and activities that aren't centered around the community. But if we all do our part in gardening, we all can benefit from it. I'm sure everyone understands this concept. The details of how big a system we have can be left up to the group. I want to belong to this group as well, as an equal, not be the dictator just because I own the land. Think of this as renting a cabin or space for your cabin, on a farm in the woods, with a whole bunch of friends.
First impressions, well hopefully we will be lucky enough to find enough likeminded people just on this page that would like to join. If not, we can reach out to the community. I would like to eventually reach out to the community and do good deeds wherever we can. However, this is starting, or is started already, and will continue whether it is just us three, or many, many more. If people would like to come up during the pre-construction phase they are welcome to do so. People can come up and be a part in this in whatever way they like. These people can be of all ages and physical capacity. Just because someone is older and not as physically fit for work, does not mean that they aren't bringing a lifetime of experience with them. I am open to all arrangements, full-time, seasonal, weekends, occasional, and experimental. This will be OUR (the group's) Earth Loving, People Loving, Future Predicting, Star Gazing CLUB.
As far as religion and dogma of communes go, there will not be any of that here. People will be free to believe whatever they like, however: church building, animal sacrifices, crucifictions, and any other over the top activities will be frowned upon. I am not discriminating against any religion, I just don't want people to feel that they have the right to choke it down anyone else's throats. I am hoping that we have a religion, if any, based upon loving the human race, friendship, the earth, and just being good people.
A touch about visions, hopes, and dreams. We will be an equal group, all with an equal say. I am open to all topics and decisions, as long as it is a group decision. However, because of the separate living quarters and the huge expanse of wilderness, people essentially have the right to do as they please.
Thanks for all the great questions Tom, and I hope that you may come to be a big part of this. Please feel free to make any suggestions, because if you are going to be part of the group, this is your baby too.