This is my first time gardening. I live in Portland, Oregon.
I made a mandala style bed and then put straw on top of it. Now I am wondering if it was a mistake to put straw on it. The reason I did was to suppress weeds and grass from returning from where I dug and to hopefully break down and retain water and add matter.
I was planning on direct sowing most of my vegetables and maybe buying starts. I also was going to throw in some wildflower seeds.
Should I remove the straw until the plants have sprouted a few inches above mulch level then put the straw back down?
I notice when I leave cardboard on the ground for a day, I will find slugs on the bottom it. Will they move into my garden bed because of the mulch?
I am including pictures to give you an idea of what I have done this month and what it looks like.
Any questions or advice is much appreciated, and if there is already a good thread on this I am sorry for reposting.