Jacob Fletcher

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since Apr 05, 2014
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It is amazing how being an avid forager could multiply the freedom in someone's life. You could travel light, cheap, confidently, and most importantly, freely. Mix that with today's technology, and you could essentially recreate the paleo lifestyle in a 21st century context. Nomadic/climatory/migratory. Then, of course, you reach the Garden of Eden that is the permaculture base camp, which is ripe and fruitful when you arrive, just as planned. After basking in the fruit forest in the south for a few months, you travel back to Michigan and experience the gorgeous Michigan summer once again, ripe and fruitful. It would take dedication, commitment, and hard work, but you would eventually create a tribe of people that no longer have to be bound by the mundane chores that is living in the contemporary American Dream. A tribe of people who live as humans anatomically, spiritually, and physically were designed to live. Permaculture really opens the doors for human beings to be relieved of the pressures of the social system in the United States. Nomadic journeys also meet the needs of human curiosity. The list is endless.
10 years ago
So as a gapper I can send in $100, work for 4 weeks prior to the wofati workshops, and then attend the four week wofati workshop for free?
10 years ago