Britt Arbanas

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since Apr 08, 2014
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Recent posts by Britt Arbanas

We have a 2 acre pond in our 20+ acre wetland that we will be utilizing for ducks. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with ducks on a large pond -- what would you suggest for stocking density? The ducks will be locked up at night and I will size that duck house accordingly. During the day the ducks will range as they please in our wetland, not sure how far they will explore in the 20 acres -- anyone have input for that as well? I realize it depends on a lot of different factors but we have to choose a number to get started with any input will be helpful. Thanks!
9 years ago
I like the idea of a 45 degree angle for the pathways! The beds are 42 inches wide, too wide to step over myself.
9 years ago
Hey, i'm digging and establishing a market garden this week. Total size is 100 ft by 100 ft with raised beds roughly on contour. My question is whether I should split the beds into 50 ft and 50 ft with a walkway or keep them at 100 ft long. If I do a walkway that splits the beds in half - that pathway would run straight down hill and not on contour, possibly causing erosion in our wet winters (Pacific Northwest). Anyone have any advice?
9 years ago
Hey, my husband and I have just purchased land, it has a 2 acre spring-fed pond, plus another shallower pond, and roughly 15 acres of wetlands. I love the diversity and am pretty keen on getting ducks.

I have a couple questions if anyone could help:
- Does anyone know of any good resources for pond raised ducks?
- Do they stay outside in rainy weather? We live in the Pacific North West.
- Do ducks mob up or spread out? Will they utilize the whole wetlands area or stick to the ponds?
- Based on those questions, I'm wondering about fencing, keeping ducks in/predators out?
- Would the duck shelter have to be close to the pond to make them want to come in at night? I wanted a chicken/duck house to stack functions, but it would be farther from pond.

Any info will help! Thanks!
10 years ago