Hello, I've been a long time reader of Permies and have finally registered because I have a few questions.
Firstly, I live in the Arizona High Desert (Sonoran) at an elevation of about 5,000'.
I've had great success using no-till beds with extensive composting as well as fruit trees of various types.
Recently, I decided to add some perennial permaculture plants into my beds (dedicated perennial beds).
The beds are coated in a layer of compost annually and I use straw for mulch. All beds are shaded on the west side.
I'm curious if anyone has had experience with these in the desert/high-desert.
Moringa, Stinging Nettles, Comfrey, Peanuts (Carolina Black and Carwile's Virginia), Jerusalem Artichoke, Catalogna Puntarelle Dandelion, Red sorrel, Borage, Italiko Rosso Dandelion, Lovage, Purslane, American Groundnut, Texas Wild Cherry Tomato, Arugula, and Evergreen Onions (green onion).
All of these have already been ordered (some have arrived). The intent will be to have these grow in beds dedicated to just perennials and to propagate these into new Hugle beds once I build them. I'm curious if anyone has had success in such a harsh climate with these plants in particular. Advice would be very helpful as well. Also, I'd like to plant these in a manner which best manages itself. All the beds are ~4' wide and slope to the south. The most water loving plants should reside on the southern most side of the beds but also the most sun loving. Not sure what plants like being around which others. I'd like to keep the shade loving plants on the inside most portion of the beds so that the surrounding plants provide the most shade.
Whatever information can be provided is greatly appreciated!
I'll soon post about my slowly developing off-grid homestead here in the High Desert of Arizona