napoli cannolion

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since Apr 15, 2014
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Recent posts by napoli cannolion

im working on some land in WV if your interested in coming out and making a spot
10 years ago
All. can you help?
10 years ago
where can i find chickens for sale or get in on a show in central WV?
10 years ago
strait to the point I've got 10+ acres in west virginia. I'm looking for PDC holders or instructors to build multiple structures. pay is available for those qualified. for more info respond.

almost heaven
10 years ago
i'm located off I 79 exit 40. I posted west virginia Rise up! we have been planting and planing. right now we are digging ponds and a natural dam. i'm looking for people in the area with PDCs (permaculture design certificate) and want to be involved with the building of houses a sound stage/recording studio, glass workshop,and welding/ carpentry shop. motivated instructors can even make a dollar or two. if your in the area and are interersted in chickens or honey bees. we are about to build a chicken tractor and first rate apiary. we are always out here working on hugelbeds and planting. we need help with everything. skilled people looking to make some extra money or just want to stop by and say hi all are welcome. please respond
10 years ago
thank you very much I'll be sure to check it out. brink of freedom is pretty dope.
we've been moving right along putting in Hugelkultur beds swales and making and sowing seed bombs. We are about to start a wofati style house and dig a natural swimming pool. as well as building a firewood storage shed outdoor rocket stove slash barbecueto get in on this just post a reply
10 years ago
Near big otter
10 years ago
ive got some land near big otter. just started a new topic called" WV rise up" come see whats up
10 years ago
I've recently acquired 10+acres of unrestricted building land in wild & wonderful West Virginia. the plan is to build houses, an apiary, green houses, recording studio with sound stage as well as a soft and stained glass workshop! I'm looking for organizers, designers and instructors to set up workshops for the building and designing of all aspects of this new project. get involved now before your paying for the classes offered at this beautiful West Virginia site. edible landscaping and forests,solar and wind power,hugelkultur,permaculture,grey water oasis and irrigation systems, and whatever else you can bring to the table! you decide you own level of involvement. get started now!
10 years ago