Joe Molnar

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since Apr 22, 2014
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I have lived in New Orleans for twelve years, since I was the age of eight, being 20 I've been out of school for two years. Since school I've worked a kitchen job for a small business, and done other gigs for cash. I made my permies account to make contact for the gapper program. I am interested in working in nature, learning what permaculture means and having this experience as a basis for future WWOOFing experiences.
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Recent posts by Joe Molnar

Yes got it thanks.
The Gapper Program email was exactly what I was looking for.
10 years ago
I emailed paul@richsoil on the 2nd and this morning. I used the subject line "$100 for gappers" this morning.
10 years ago
I have a few more questions.
Now that I have sent the $100 what is the next step?
Is it definite that I am invited to come work at Wheaton labs for a time, sort of a "come and see how it works out" situation, or is that still unknown?
Is it possible to schedule a phone call with someone to sort everything out? I often prefer talking to communicating with text, it feels more fluid or efficient.
10 years ago
Hey Paul,
These are my questions about becoming a gapper.

Is experience in permaculture/farming a prerequisite for being a gapper, or is it acceptable for me to arrive with no plans but a willingness to help others with various projects to the best of my ability?
I'm interested in staying a full 8 weeks, leading up to and including the wofati workshop. 8 weeks straight camping in a one man tent seems a bit rough, is there a possibility of me spending some of this time indoors (I could bring an air mattress or bring my sleeping bag inside)?
You said, "I think it is clear that this arrangement would continue as long as both parties groove on it." This makes me think I could (and it may be better for me to) arrive without definite planning for the length/duties of my stay, but play it by ear once I'm on the land, do you agree? (I would not be standed if I needed to leave)

Looking forward to getting this ball rolling.
Thanks again for this opportunity.
10 years ago