scotty culture

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since Apr 28, 2014
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Recent posts by scotty culture

Hi, I'm a rural property manager and "jack-of-all-trades" currently looking for a new property to develop. My plan was to head back to hawaii and look for a new project if nothing turns up in CA. That will likely place me in the bay area in a week or two since I was going to ship a vehicle from oakland. You can view my resume online at and perhaps we could meet if you are still looking for a partner. I have kept my schedule flexible.
10 years ago
Hi, I'm looking for a my next project to help develop.

5 years experience on Hawaii. 2 years in CA. Doctorate degree education. Highly varied background.

Some ideas include yoga teacher training or meditation center, hostel/B&B/vacation rental, field-to-table cafe, private school, etc.

I may also be open to developing a private estate or running a business. Let me know what you have in mind. I'm open to all ideas.

View my resume online at

And feel free to pass my info along to anyone with land, a plan, or both.

Thank you for your consideration,
10 years ago
Hi, I'm looking for a my next project to help develop.

5 years experience on Hawaii. Doctorate degree education. Highly varied background.

Some ideas include yoga teacher training or meditation center, hostel/B&B/vacation rental, field-to-table cafe, private school, etc.

I may also be open to developing a private estate or helping run a business. Let me know what you have in mind. I'm open to all ideas.

View my resume online at

And feel free to pass my info along to anyone with land, a plan, or both.

Thank you for your consideration,
10 years ago