Terry Byrne

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since Apr 29, 2014
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Recent posts by Terry Byrne

Judith Browning wrote:T

Kind of like the word 'liberal' that mutated into an insult but I still consider myself one🤔

Judith, on that, see


2 weeks ago
My personal take, of course Paul W is an influencer and unless there is a special meaning to the world that exclusively denotes the scamming type, low life influencers, of which there are many, anyone with a functioning brain knows Paul W ain't of that variety. One could look thru every post ever made on this website and see that Paul's intentions are noble, decent, humane, just, fair, fill in the blank with any other POSITIVES you can think of.

If he makes a good living or if he makes a ton of money makes no difference, the world needs more HIMs.

{Paul, message me for the address you can send the money to!}
2 weeks ago
Further to my post above, I came across the following article. Which describes a potential ban in Scotland of wood burning appliances.

Ban on wood burners really is the last straw

Might I make a suggestion vis a vis above said article? If Paul and other RMH experts were to contact the reporter of said article, he could help Paul et al get in touch with the appropriate government officials.

This could have a number of beneficial results - Permies gets fabulous, potential worldwide exposure, Paul et al are knighted, , people learn about other important things, issues, ... .

Kio tsukete.
9 months ago
I didn't know where to post the following article that I came across but I thought it would be interesting, informative to RMH folks. Please move it to wherever is Permies best location.

If the following info is accurate, that WOOD BURNING STOVES would be better than a heat pump, then considering the burn efficiency of RMHs
what would be their efficiency rating versus heat pumps.

This really blew my mind
The fact that me, an overfed long-haired, leaping gnome should have found this RMH info.


Woodburning stoves versus heat pumps - An emissions question.



By Vicky AllanSenior features writer

A leading voice on Highlands issues has calculated that heating rural new builds with wood-burning stoves could result in much lower emissions than using heat pumps.

Magnus Davidson, writing on X, said: “Using 2023 figures, if all new houses in the Highlands and Islands burnt wood for domestic heat rather than used a heat pump, CO2e emissions from wood burning heating would be 88% lower than the heat pump system.”
9 months ago
Good day, evening, night wherever y'all are around the globe.

I didn't know where to put this so if someone feels it oughta go in another thread you have my permission to move it. )

Has there ever been a RMH built in a small outside the dwelling structure where the heat is then moved inside to a separate  dwelling which then satisfies the occupants' and the dwelling's heating needs?

The reason. A commercial rental yurt where there is no way regulators would allow a RMH to be in the yurt itself. So just move the heat into the yurt.

Have I explained the issue well enough for the RMH brains to understand my point and the related issues?

11 months ago

Jason Learned wrote:
If anyone has any experience or info about egg plasters, I'm all ears! Or scoria / char as aggregate, for that matter...

I was in a monastery on the river Krk in Croatia, on the Dalmatian coast. They had a cistern to catch rain water because the river water is too hard to drink. It was built in the middle ages and still functions to this day. The mortar they used to seal it and make it waterproof was made with egg whites. Over 500 years and the surface is still smooth be it full or empty. Seems a good reason to give it a go. Jason


Do you know if the finish needs a refresh, Jason, or has it been self sealing for all that time?

1 year ago
Great post, Pearl. What in the world is a "bricolagier"?

Adding old hay, straw, twigs, sticks is also good, like the video of Geoff and his two interns making a new compost pile.
1 year ago
Hiring chickens to do all the work for you.

How to Make a Chicken Tractor on Steroids [FULL VIDEO]

1 year ago

alex bost wrote:How would i know it's ready and okay to use?
Should i add some soil and some leaves from the trees?


Googled "Permaculture guru fast compost" and up popped Mr Lawton and
some other videos that also look "veeerrrrrry interesting" --- Artie Johnson

Geoff Lawton " Hi Geoff here and we're gonna make quick compost."

1 year ago