Will Cassiel

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since May 04, 2014
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Recent posts by Will Cassiel

Howdy All,

Permanewbie here looking for folks to share the dream or dream it better .

There are 25 acres of premium soil in the hills of Madison co in NW Arkansas that need to be swaled, food forested and hopefully pasture porked or poultried.

The current dream is to have a farm to food trailer set up in fayetteville, making tinctures with the 70 plus species of medicinal herbs growing already and selling products to restaurants and coffee shops.

There is a small orchard on site apples, pears, plums and peaches, 10 trees maybe. There are 5 or 6 10x4ft raised beds, chicken coop, decent sized barn, a couple of wells, asparagus growing, goat shed, guineas and a very nice house. There were 8 peeps living there so... There's plenty of space.

There is also this: http://fayar.craigslist.org/grd/4508706472.html

I don't have the experience to just jump right in to this, nor the funds but if someone wanted to do this, I could provide the space.

Here's a vid of the place:

I'm not sure how I could pay you at first but once we got the trailer open. You'd be paid. Im 35, male. Email me at wglover923@yahoo.com.

Thanks for your time, cheers,

10 years ago

Judith Browning wrote:

Lew Cassiel wrote:

Total newb here... I'm moving into a farm in northwest Arkansas mid June. I know it sounds scary but it's actually a nice place and there's a need for permies here, might be a little too temperate actually but there is some hills and valleys. There's a nice swimming hole close to the property.

I plan on turning the 25 acres into a swaled out, food forest centered around a chestnut orchard slowly evolving to a pasture pork and poultry set up. I have a little experience with tractors and cattle, but none in farming. Thankfully there is a small fruit orchard, chicken coop and about 10 raised beds already built.

Welcome to permies, Lew....Northwest arkansas is a wonderful place! We are a few counties south....in the mountains still and on very productive land. I think the Arkansas Ozarks are under utilized by permaculture. Many areas were homesteaded by back to the land folks (including us) in the early seventies...time for an influx of permies! good luck on your farm...maybe start a project thread here when you are settled.

Thanks Judith. I wish I would have found this site earlier. It's such a great resource and full of good folk. Good luck with the sale of your place!

And I definitely will post some topics.
10 years ago
Hi Claire.

Total newb here... I'm moving into a farm in northwest Arkansas mid June. I know it sounds scary but it's actually a nice place and there's a need for permies here, might be a little too temperate actually but there is some hills and valleys. There's a nice swimming hole close to the property.

I plan on turning the 25 acres into a swaled out, food forest centered around a chestnut orchard slowly evolving to a pasture pork and poultry set up. I have a little experience with tractors and cattle, but none in farming. Thankfully there is a small fruit orchard, chicken coop and about 10 raised beds already built.

There's plenty of living space. I got a video of the house I can send ya if you want to see it. PS I love Canadians.

Best of luck to you, Will

Email me at wglover923@yahoo.com
10 years ago