Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
will be released to subscribers in: soon!

David Wayne

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since May 04, 2014
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Hillsborough, NC Zone 7
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Recent posts by David Wayne

Cassie Langstraat wrote:I am writing an article about hugelkultur for a magazine and I was wondering if anyone wants to cough up their pictures of their best hugelkultur beds for me to use with the article! I would of course credit your name in the article if you'd like me too! I would take pictures of the building process as well. AKA the wood piled up before you put the dirt on or anything like that.

Here you go. Attached


9 years ago
I have a new property that is ripe for design. Looking for anyone that wants to join in on the ground floor of design. Top 1 acre is flat and has been a garden for years the it slopes down to the road to the east. Perfect for berms. Already has garage, well, septic, electric, 4 large pecan trees, 4 apple trees, 4 large grape vines. Contact me if you want to design with me.
Cedar Grove, NC just 8 miles north of Hillsborough, NC.

10 years ago
Does anyone have any data on how to size a rocketmass heater for a greenhouse? In my instance 18X20 in zone 7.
10 years ago