Mike Feddersen

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since May 04, 2014
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Recent posts by Mike Feddersen

Love this thread, I have spent so much on Super Greens in the past.
1 week ago
Jo Ann,
Any of my pictures are mine and you have my permission to use anyway you like.
I would love to read some of your poetry.
I wrote a few poems in the past, you can see how bad they are at firstdayoffall2008.blogspot.com
7 months ago
As an adult I would think I would know things, like the difference between penumbra and umbra. But I didn't realize there was the full eclipse/totality and partial eclipse until just an hour before the event. Not once did I hear, or see any ads about getting the eclipse glasses so you could safely view the partial eclipse. Fortunately my wife's cousin had an extra pair. 😁
7 months ago
It was great to see this, seems it's been 50 years since the last one seen as a kid.
Took some pictures, nothing fancy. Almost 94% here in western West Virginia.
8 months ago
Nothing says we can't post as many pictures as we would like. 😉
Here's a picture from where I sit at aunt Loretta Robertson's kitchen table. She has a beautiful hand built cabin in a little holler in West Virginia. 10 feet out her kitchen window is a rock cliff and creek.
1 year ago
I have occasionally asked people in groups what they have for their screensaver wallpaper on their phones. But today I am wondering if you have a photo you would like to share, just because?
I have dog photos, house photos, garden photos, even screenshots.
What would you like to share?
And do you want to say something about it?
My photo is of 3 dogs, all drop offs.
"Buddy"(everyone calls him that), Dizzy and Daisy."
1 year ago