Jaz Yeatts

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since May 14, 2014
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Recent posts by Jaz Yeatts

Thanks for your message Steven, I'll definitely look into low thyroid function. I'm actually on testosterone treatment for gender transition as I am transgender. I have other health issues in addition to my depression though, so I wonder if low thyroid could be part of it. I have had a lot of labs run, but as you say maybe there was something they didn't catch.

For now I'm going to avoid using my urine in my garden, as some googling around showed that prozac does seem to bio-accumulate. I'd rather not risk it. I've decided that the testosterone is probably nothing to worry about as it probably is not being excreted in any higher levels than it would if my body were making it the old fashioned way.
10 years ago
I've been enjoying this thread. Kids are of course a part of our world and thus are likely to be part of our local systems. Sometimes incorporating them helps in the short term, like directing their play in to something that serves functions within the system (as with the chesnuts). Sometimes it hinders in the short term, but helps in the long term, such as slowing things down to work to teach a child how to do the task you're doing (even if they're going to do it rather imperfectly themselves, at first).

I have to ask Matu, what is a hugelbeet? I have a hugelkultur of my own (yet to introduce it to any kids! unfortunately, many of them wouldn't be able to see to the top of it, much less help me garden there). I've never heard of a hugelbeet before, though.
10 years ago
Thanks for your response Jennifer, and thanks for the welcome!

I guess the main one I'd be worried about that I'm taking is testosterone, but I'm also on Prozac. Maybe I'll do some more research to try to see how much either of those is present in urine and whether they'd be taken up into plants or what. Meanwhile, hopefully some other folks here can weigh in with their thoughts
10 years ago
Hi y'all,

I'm interested in fertilizing my hugelkultur and other raised beds with diluted human urine to up the nitrogen content. I am on a couple of prescription medications and several 'natural' dietary supplements and I'm wondering if I should be concerned about any of the components of such products entering my soil via urine? Anyone have experience / ideas / opinions on the topic?

(Apologies if this is not the right section to post this question in, I am new here Please let me know if I should move this elsewhere )
10 years ago